Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I Know the Beauty Is There, I Just Can't See It Right Now

We got our first real snow of the winter. Personally, I could have done without it. I like snow in December, then I'm just ready for spring. I suffer from sun-deprivation depression, so this time of the year I just count the days and watch for the sun to get a bit closer. I wish I could say I appreciate the beauty of it, but I just see a cold walk to work (only 3 blocks, thank goodness) and a hassle trying to do anything that needs done outside of the walls of my house. Even taking the trash to the curb for pickup. Maybe that just means I'm getting old!


the dogs' mother said...

30.2 here but, at least, no snow!

Bob said...

We are heading to a very cold place, and a small threat of snow, in the next couple of days and I'm over it before it even starts!