My burning bush is starting to turn red, which means Fall is officially here. And it actually finally feels like it! For the last week, the nights have been hovering around 40 degrees, while the days are only hitting the 60s and low 70s. (We had been hitting 80s the week before.) Weather-wise, it's been a strange year. Spring was wet. So wet that the crops got out extremely late. It got so late for corn, in fact, that many farmers put out soy beans instead. But after the rain finally let up and the farmers finally got their crops out, we had almost a perfect summer for them. The weather was warm without being unbearable--in fact, down right cool at times, and it rained just enough. We have been in "drought" and "near drought" for so many years, this summer's rains refilled the lakes and the reservoirs. This is an agricultural community. If the crops have low yields, the whole community suffers. So talking about the weather isn't just making small-talk, which I've always found amusing! The down side of it for me was that we hardly got to swim in our pool all summer! It rarely got warm enough for the water to get comfortable. The summers for the last few years have been almost unbearably hot. There doesn't seem to be any pattern anymore. Makes me wonder what is going to happen the next few years.