Saturday, September 10, 2016

Today's Question to Ponder!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Small Town Controversy

It's amazing what people in small towns get over-excited about. Our city council, in their infinite wisdom, decided to make our "Triangle" into a no parking zone and they did it practically overnight and with little warning. Now, there are pros and cons. Pro- the road is a bit narrow and people drive faster than they should, so this widens the space. Con--we lose 12 parking spaces. That doesn't seem like a huge number, but there isn't much parking available uptown, plus some of our older customers (I work in the store where the white truck sits) have a hard time backing up, and preferred to parallel park. Now, personally, I don't really care. I mean, I've seen some accidents, nothing major, but there was damage to vehicles. But I suppose accidents will still happen. Everyone (including my boss) is up-in-arms. For the most part, I think the whole thing has been blown totally out of proportion. It's all every one talked about last week. I'm so hoping there's a new topic this week! (But I doubt it.)