Sunday, April 27, 2014


A friend of mine died two weeks ago, 6 days after she was diagnosed with cancer. She was only 43. She and I weren't best friends, but my folks were friends with her folks and I grew up with the clan. We are like family, and I am close with a couple of her older sisters who are closer to my age. The funeral was at the Catholic Church here in town. I've been to a couple of Catholic weddings before, but I think this was the first funeral. It's so odd, but like my cousin's funeral last year, I felt totally disconnected from the whole thing. I felt like I was watching a Japanese tea ceremony as the Father poured the wine and folded clothes, wiped the chalice and said the words. I grew up Presbyterian and knew the words, could almost quote them, in fact. It was all so very ritualized. From a psychological point of view, I see where that can be soothing for the family. For me, well, lets just say, I really wished I had paper so I could take notes. I know--rather inappropriate. Now, tomorrow, I'm going to my Great-Aunt's funeral. To many deaths all at once. Hope this is it for awhile!


the dogs' mother said...

Daughter and I just went to a funeral of my Dad's first cousin. Same thing - looooooong and, dare I say it, boring. Until he got to talk about the actual person - then it was warm, funny, remembering and celebrating.But way to much of the former and way to little of the latter.

Bob said...

I won't be having a funeral. Cremate me, spread me somewhere, and then have a lovely party to gossip about me.
No funeral.

Sadie Jay said...

That's what I've told my family-- cremate me, have a wake with an open bar, and play the music on my MP3 player!