Thursday, May 31, 2012

Morning Coffee--the Old Man

Fat Cat is our Old Man.  He joined our family in February of 1999 and the Vet thought we was at least 3 years old at the time.  He had been living out of the bumpster at McDonalds for about three month until he got stuck in a storm drain during a winter storm we had that January--the theory is that he got loose from someone traveling through.  A friend of mine, who rescues cats, got the call and took him home.  I had mentioned once that I would like to have a "big blue cat" (because of a story my Mom used to tell) and so she thought of me.  He made himself right at home, declaring himself king from day one. Because of that, we called him Elvis for awhile, but somehow he just morphed into "Fat Cat". He's not very active these days, but he's still a big honey!

Monday, May 28, 2012

David Tennant & John Barrowman EPIC KISS - Original Source

 I can't help it--I'm such a fan girl!  I love them both!


The last couple of weeks have been mad crazy.  I don't know how many miles I've put on my car between my Uncle's funeral (70 miles), picking my daughter up from the airport (150 miles), going to the Avon awards luncheon (90 miles) and various other heres and theres.  Plus I've had to deal with the additional  mental strain of losing an Aunt last week (who's funeral is in Arizona--too far for me to attend) and the physical strain of taking a newly 21 year-old work colleague out on a pub crawl last weekend and then my class reunion this weekend. I think I've had more to drink in the last 10 days than I have in the last year combined!  I don't drink much anymore and after all of the money I've just spent I understand why! I'm worn out and ready for things to slow down a bit, but it has been nice seeing people, reconnecting with some I hadn't seen for a long time. After listening to some of them talk about their husbands and children I definitely realize how lucky I am! I need to remind myself of that more often.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

In Memory

My Dad's Uncle died last Sunday.  I didn't know him very well, but I used to see him at the yearly family reunions. My Dad has been gone for almost 20 years--so hard to believe.  I have two Great Aunts left.  That generation is almost gone.  My Dad had one sister and she died several years ago. I can be a very outgoing, friendly person.  I don't have a hard time making conversation--most of the time. Somehow, I was always backward when we were around the extended family. I always went to the reunions, but I sat and visited with the people I knew well and never got to know the ones that I didn't see regularly.   I've always been interested in genealogy so I have made an effort the last few years to get to know more of the family.  Plus, somehow I feel like I am "representing" my Grandparents.  My brother lives away and my Aunt's three boys never come around, so I go to as many family events as possible to stand up for George and Lucy.  I put flowers on their graves.   I tell my kids about them.  I don't want them forgotten.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Morning Coffee

How to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Garden Diary--Week 3

I don't think we are having as wet a Spring as we have had the last few years.  Now, I probably just jinxed us and it'll start pouring any time.  Fingers crossed.  Actually, a little (gentle) rain would be nice.  So far my "viney" plants are doing well. I've lost a couple, but I think maybe the neighbors cat has rolled around in them.  He's such a friendly thing, but he and I have words occasionally.  My popcorn and beans have come up.  Something chewed the tops out of some of the beans.  I think birds, the husband thinks rabbits.  Regardless, I may have to replant a few.  I just put out my tomatoes and bell peppers yesterday.  I have a few tomato plants left that didn't fit.  I'll just hold on to them, see if any I planted don't make it.  Otherwise, maybe I'll put them in the flower bed or in pots. Can one really have too many tomatoes, after all?!

Friday, May 11, 2012


We have a very active Garden Club--they do a wonderful job of beautifying our Uptown every year.  There are flowers everywhere.  Petunias are the most common flower they use: I assume because they are very hardy.  These little stragglers are a common sight. Last year's seeds seem to find the barest, most desolate spots to take root.  A couple of years ago we had a dozen or better Butterfly bushes take root next to the store where I work.I have no clue where those seeds came from but  I brought a start home and added it to my growing collection of flowers and plants. One of these days I'm going to run out of room!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Small Changes

I had to make a change--can you find the difference?  This is in an upstairs attic room.  I walked through the house with a stack of albums and my husband asked me what I was doing.  "Changing some pictures", I said.  He suspected what I had done and ran upstairs to confirm.  Then he came looking for me, wanting to know what I had done with the "card".  My husband was a fan of what's-his-name's and saw him in concert several times back before we were married.  The "card" had his autograph.  I do respect other people's property, so I tossed it in the album cover. The poor guy was panicking, tho.  I do believe he thought I threw it away!