Saturday, July 17, 2010
Current State of Affairs
My world is falling apart right now, by which I mean that I have so much to take care of that I'm becoming paralyzed. The list is so long that I don't know what to do first. This isn't the first time this has happened, and what normally happens is I will do whatever has to be done in the next day or two as each thing comes due, and eventually I should work through it all. It always works out, but this time feels worse for some reason. I think my nerves are so frayed at this point that my mind has quit working. I keep screwing up at work. Not good. I've suffered from depression in the past and a few years back I started having panic attacks so bad I could hardly leave the house. I ended up on medication for a few years. I don't want to end up back there again. I know time takes care of things, but I just don't want to have to wade through it. I would prefer just to pass by it! Do you think if I just ignore it all, it will go away!?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Home Upkeep

Three Sisters

Friday, July 2, 2010
After Vacation
Well, the garden just might survive, after all. I guess the rain continued while we were gone, and when we got home after being gone for almost two weeks, there was more weeds than plants. My garden is in a low spot, so after a rain there tends to be standing water, at least on half the spot. But there wasn't any standing water when we got home. Yesterday I took the hoe out and worked around all of the plants and this morning I took the tiller and went down the rows and between the plants. It looks like most of the corn made it, but not many of the beans. I'll have to replant. At least one of the zucchini made it, and some other vining plants--cucumber, pumpkins. The eggplant is a no-show. And the tomatoes are hanging on. Every thing is a bit yellow, which shows they have been in water recently, but hopefully they will green up now--if the heavy rains can stay away!
We have cats. Two outside, two inside. Mom checked on the outdoor cats while we were gone, made sure they had enough food. We boarded the inside cats. And came home to fleas. We've never had trouble with fleas in this house before, but I guess last year was a great year for the critters, and we have fought them all winter long. I thought we had them taken care of, but I guess not. Syd and I both apparently have sweet skin, because we both got bitten immediately. The guys haven't had a single bite. It's so not fair! So we fogged the house yesterday and I'll Frontline everyone again. Uugh!
We went to see Toy Story 3 yesterday (while the foggers were doing their thing). Good movie! (I got teary at the end.) I think Toy Story was the first movie we took the kids to. We saw it in 2-D and I think it was a good call. We saved $8.00 and I don't think we missed anything. I went and saw Avatar three times, and I think the 3-D enhanced that movie, but we've seen the latest Shrek movie and Alice in Wonderland in 3-D and think both movies would have been just as good in 2-D. I'm hoping this whole 3-D thing is a fad.
We have cats. Two outside, two inside. Mom checked on the outdoor cats while we were gone, made sure they had enough food. We boarded the inside cats. And came home to fleas. We've never had trouble with fleas in this house before, but I guess last year was a great year for the critters, and we have fought them all winter long. I thought we had them taken care of, but I guess not. Syd and I both apparently have sweet skin, because we both got bitten immediately. The guys haven't had a single bite. It's so not fair! So we fogged the house yesterday and I'll Frontline everyone again. Uugh!
We went to see Toy Story 3 yesterday (while the foggers were doing their thing). Good movie! (I got teary at the end.) I think Toy Story was the first movie we took the kids to. We saw it in 2-D and I think it was a good call. We saved $8.00 and I don't think we missed anything. I went and saw Avatar three times, and I think the 3-D enhanced that movie, but we've seen the latest Shrek movie and Alice in Wonderland in 3-D and think both movies would have been just as good in 2-D. I'm hoping this whole 3-D thing is a fad.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The Happiest Place on Earth

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